San Juan La Laguna


It was constituted on September 27, 2,001, it has 23 associates; 120 families benefited, sources of support are: Hivos, Fundación Solar and FONACON.

Objective of the Association
To facilitate health services, developing training activities and exchange of experiences, production of medicinal plants and production of products for personal hygiene.

Productive aspects

The products they produce are Shampoo, Ointments, Soaps and Natural Medicine, made with natural ingredients, through the cultivation of plants and herbs in an organic garden, they also acquire chemicals such as texapón and glycerin for elaboration of the final products.

To obtain natural raw materials, they have established an orchard in which they produce 15 species of plants, among them: Aloe Vera, rosemary, chamomile and eucalyptus. Receiving agronomic support from the USAC for the production of the plants.

They have received training on the selection and production of plants with suitable characteristics for the elaboration of their products, there are 5 recipes, they consider it necessary to take up other recipes to diversify their production. These recipes were selected from a manual with 40 recipes.

They do not have defined production costs, they only estimate that they do not obtain profits due to low sales and low production capacity.

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