San Juan La Laguna

Blog of San Juan La Laguna

KAQAK’AXOOL - Nawal Of The Hill Kaqasiwaan
Updated 07/06/2022

KAQAK’AXOOL - Nawal Of The Hill Kaqasiwaan

At that time, the nawal of well-being and prosperity lived in Cerro de las Cristalinas. His name was Kaqak'axool. He was a short man with very red skin because the Sun looked at him a lot. He was highly appreciated by the people of Xe 'Kuku' Aab'aj...

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Grandparents in San Juan La Laguna
Updated 02/12/2022

The Grandparents, Origins of San Juan La Laguna

We leave you with a small compilation of photographs captured by different artists, of some Grandparents from San Juan La Laguna...

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Don Julián
Updated on 01/31/2022

Pioneer of soccer and athletics in the municipality of San Juan

Since I was little in school I liked sports, especially athletics, when I was 12 years old I ran in the streets of San Juan La Laguna in competitions organized by my school or the municipality. Every day my enthusiasm grew and I proposed to advance more kilometers... I started with 8 kilometers, then 10 k..., 12 k... until I reached 14 kilometers in a minimum time. That way I decided to run more and more... in the afternoons I would go to other towns in order to train...

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17 laps
Updated on 01/08/2022

15 Recommendations to get to San Juan La Laguna in your Vehicle from Km. 148 of the Interamerican Route CA-1.

It is not to scare you, but from Km. 148 of the Inter-American route CA-1 to the municipality of San Juan La Laguna or to another neighboring town, there is a good section of slope and several accidents have recently occurred on this section, either for some reason. mechanical failure of the vehicle, due to driver distraction, driving under the influence of alcohol, sleep, use of a mobile phone while driving, speeding or for any other reason.

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buses in san juan

How to get to San Juan La Laguna?

Learn about the routes by which you can get to San Juan La Laguna.

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Holy Week in San Juan La Laguna

How is Holy Week in San Juan La Laguna?

Learn about the different activities that take place during the days of Holy Week.

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el pueblo de san juan

The town of San Juan La Laguna, almost 100 years old

A brief history of what San Juan La Laguna was 100 years ago, a story by grandfather Don Diego Pérez Méndez.

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Clothing of San Juan La Laguna, Sololá

Description of the Clothing of San Juan La Laguna, Sololá

The güipil is woven on a backstrap loom, white in color that comes out from the neck until it reaches below the waist, three figures can be seen on the güipil: pairs of double-headed eagles stand out, called in Tz 'utujil “Ajk'ulaawi'” that are on their backs, represent freedom and slavery, symbol of the Spaniards when they came to invade and dispossess the tz'utujil lands but for the spiritual guides it means the present and past.

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The Crystalline Hill

The Crystalline Hill / Juyu’ K’istalin

Before there was a character who stayed on the hill. People had noticed that this character had a red suit, and from time to time, he would go down to the foot of the hill. People found it very strange because his suit was all red and what he did was run around.

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The Great Bell of the People

The Great Bell of the People

Our ancestors had a lot of knowledge so once a priest and he knows that our people had a lot of wisdom and told them about the bell that was on the church that was not theirs where it still existed another that was bigger and better than that the bell was in a place called Las Cristalinas told them to do.

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Art Murals

Art Murals

Inside the town you can find an infinity of art, reproduced in large murals, works of art made with traditions and in homage to great people of the town.

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Walk of the Arts

Walk of the Arts

"Paseo de las Artes", a perfect complement to share and live with the family. It is located on the street of the municipality's pier, where you can find and appreciate cultural art.

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Kaqasiiwaan Viewpoin

Kaqasiiwaan Viewpoint

San Juan La Laguna also has viewpoints where you can see the volcanic cones that surround the beautiful Lake Atitlán and form unique landscapes. To venture into the nature of San Juan, you can go up to the Kaqasiiwaan Viewpoint and from there you can obtain different photographic scenes of the landscapes, the walk to the place lasts approximately 25 minutes.

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Mayan Face

Rupalaj K'istalin - Mayan Face

Known as the Mayan Face, which is a mountain that forms the face of a person facing upwards with his gaze towards the sky, it is the viewpoint of San Juan La Laguna that is located in the most high of the place and where you can see the majestic Lake Atitlán. How to get? To get to the viewpoint, you can start a walk of approximately two hours from the town of San Juan and on the way you will meet nature, as well as stories of the places.

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Customs and Traditions in San Juan

Customs and Traditions in San Juan

San Juan La Laguna is also characterized by its diverse traditions.

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Mother's Day in San Juan La Laguna

Mother's Day in San Juan La Laguna

La Juanera as a mother is that woman who wakes up very early every morning to start her work; She starts with the preparation of the nixtamal, then she takes it to the mill to obtain the dough to prepare the tortillas. Already at home with the comal on and ready, she begins the preparation of the food together with the tortillas with which this delicacy will be accompanied, prepared with delicate hands and with all the love of a MOTHER.

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San Juan La Laguna Patron Fair

San Juan La Laguna Patron Fair

In the municipal capital, the main festival in honor of San Juan, patron saint of the town, is celebrated from June 23 to 25. The main day is the 24th, when the Catholic Church commemorates the birth of Saint John the Baptist.

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